Post Yoga Treat!
It’s officially summertime in the Land of Enchantment (or at least it feels that way!) Now, we all know the benefits of yoga and how maintaining a consistent practice is important for our bodies and also our minds. But today, I am here to discuss a post yoga practice.
I'm a huge fan of juicing and making smoothies. I've always had fresh juice or smoothies growing up. I wasn't really allowed to have the sweet stuff like sodas and juice boxes, so when I was given fresh watermelon juice or a banana and strawberry smoothie with breakfast, I figured it was the norm. I remember making fresh lemonade and cantaloupe juice with my mom and to this day we still make it. The benefits of fresh juice are huge! It's a fantastic and efficient way of absorbing nutrients. I know, I know, it can get messy, but it's all worth it in the end. I promise!

A few years ago, I purchased The Big Book of Juices and I love it! It has over 400 recipes of both smoothies and juices. The book is divided by the type of fruit and vegetable you’re interested in, followed by lots of yummy and creative recipes. You can also look up the type of fruit or veggie you want to use in the glossary and you will see a list of the recipes that include that type of fruit or veggie. There are exotic recipes for those willing to try new blends and flavors and there are recipes simple enough for those who just want a cup of apple juice. Also, the photography is an added bonus in illustrating the beautiful color of each drink! I'm a sucker for photos. Below are photos of my own concoctions and recipes from the book.

I love adding spinach to my smoothies! It pairs well with banana because the flavor of the banana overpowers that of the spinach making it more palatable to those who think blending veggies and fruit is weird. Also, I normally stick to non-dairy liquids when the recipe calls for it, such as almond milk, water, or coconut water. I don't add liquid to my juice, but if it's a really hot day, then I'll add a few ice cubes or frozen blueberries. I also like to add seeds such as chia, hemp, or flax to my smoothies for an extra boost of nutrients! There are so many options when making a juice or smoothie.

If you don't have a juicer you can still use a blender and strain out any excess skins, seeds, etc. There are affordable juicers out there that get the job done. If you are a serious juicer then you might have a machine that makes fresh almond milk! And that's cool! But don't think that you need to go out and spend $300 on a juicer if you're a first timer. I would try blending first, then maybe buying an affordable juicer like down the road. Happy juicing! :)