The Practice of Allowing
When you look at your own life or the life of others, you can actually begin to watch how suffering is created. There is a Buddhist teaching that pain is short-term and if we do allow our attention to focus on it then it stays and we create suffering. Wherever our attention is going, our energy flows in that direction as well. Think about times in your life when you get stuck on a certain idea, be it anger, sorrow, or even excitement. How does your day pan out around these areas of focus?

Recently, I was listening to a video by Wayne Dyer on creating happiness. One of the major teachings I took from it was the practice of not trying to change anything in our present moment. In other words, this is a practice of just allowing what is to occur even if it is uncomfortable. In trying it out, I began to notice that my discomforts began to shift. Little by little, these uncomfortable moments ceased to exist.
This practice of mindfulness and allowing can be integrated into all of our lives through simple practice. To begin to apply this method, follow these steps:
1) Become present with your breath
2) You can then identify how you are feeling
3) Become aware of the situation that may be bringing you discomfort
4) Once you are aware of what is uncomfortable just allow it to be no matter how it is. Let go of any wants or needs to change it.
Just like exercising a muscle, beginning this new habit won't always be easy or comfortable. Through practice, though, it becomes a part of you. As we all do our part to decrease our own suffering, we, in turn, decrease the suffering of the world. Just like a raindrop in the ocean, we are part of that bigger picture of consciousness. It takes a lot of drops of water to make up the ocean, so be the best raindrop you can be.
You can find Brian teaching bi monthly workshops at Yoga and Art Space on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 4-6pm. Brian also works with First Responders using Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) and Mindfulness.
Contact him @ Facebook Brian Matzke Yoga Or his Wellness and Yoga Retreats website