View Upcoming Workshop Descriptions Below!
All Workshops Have Limited Spaces. Reserve Your Spot In Our Online Calendar Here:

Breathwork For Healing & Awakening
1 time monthly, please check calendar for upcoming dates
Next: Saturday, Aug 31 10:30am-12:30pm
Pay What You Can Between $35-55, Pre-registration required (may be cancelled if no registrations one week before)
Throughout history, cultures worldwide have provided a means for people to access non-ordinary realms for healing and spiritual growth. Breathwork, Sound Healing, and Yoga Nidra Meditation are powerful means of inducing an altered state of consciousness. An energy charge is created in the body, and as the energy disperses, it serves to release, or to cleanse blockages, both physical and emotional. Possible experiences include; resolution and release of current problems, unresolved childhood wounds, birth memories, past life remembrances and stored trauma in the body. Many also experience encounters with the divine, transcendence of time or space, direct experiences of the primordial vibration, deep peace, unconditional love and orgasmic states.

Unlocking Your Chakras with Essential Oils Workshop
Wed, Sep 4 9-11:30am (Online, pre-registration required)
Join us for an enlightening workshop that explores the powerful connection between chakras and essential oils. Designed for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of energy centers within the body, this workshop will guide you through the fundamentals of chakras and how essential oils can enhance your healing journey.

Yoga Nidra Meditation
Returning Soon!
With our new virtual studio, we anticipate the return of our popular yoga nidra monthly workshops within a few months! (due to postpartum recovery)
Yoga nidra is a meditation practice where we plant a sankalpa (a seed we wish to grow in our life) and delve into a deeply relaxing state in between wakefulness and sleep. This workshop will include a pre-class recording of how to formulate our sankalpas (sent out at registration time). During the live class, we settle comfortably into our space, go into the yoga nidra meditative journey, and the session will wrap up with sound bowls playing for the reamining time to help us exit the meditation or drift off to comfortable sleep, depending on your schedule.