Simple Ways to Find Time to Practice
In our daily lives, we all have responsibilities outside of our practice (be it yoga or the martial arts). There are times the aspects of...

How to Handle an Intense Yoga Class
Just like anything in life, sometimes yoga can feel overwhelming. Especially when you are about to do your 10th vinyasa in the first 15...

Anxiety, Stress and Surrendering to the Journey
This Journey of life is a brief visit to our body our emotions and this earth. We get caught up in this idea that we must make something...

Misunderstanding Chinese Medicine and Traditional Martial Arts
Disclaimer: Insofar as herbal remedies go, this post is by no means a way to prescribe or self-diagnose. So, with that, let’s begin....

Pranayama, Our Life Force
Pranayama Pranayama is our life force. When we practice pranayama, we learn to control our breath. Breathing is fundamental to the...

'Tis the Season...
'Tis the season for stuffy noses and scratchy throats. 'Tis the season for chilly bodies and achy muscles. 'Tis the season for cold and...

Why Should You Cultivate Your Creativity? And What Does Yoga Have To Do With It?
“Inside you there’s an artist you don’t know about... say yes quickly, if you know, if you’ve known it from before the beginning of the...

“I can’t do Yoga… I’m not flexible”
I’ve had several people come up to me and tell they can’t do Yoga because they are not flexible! They are convinced Yoga is about being...

Kung Fu: Frequently Asked Questions
With us offering martial arts classes starting this week (November 1st), we figured now would be a perfect time to discuss some...

Reworking Your Morning Routine
Do you remember that first cold morning of October? That crisp chill so sweet, inviting smell. New seasons are always invigorating! Then...