Why We Love Savasana
We’ve all been there, that moment when we get to lie flat, absorbing the energy from our practice, eyes closed, breathing softly,...

Gratitude for the Grieving Goddess
Lately I have been far from the studio in both body and mind, but never in spirit. The thing that keeps me feeling connected is reading...

How Yoga Helps Me Unite The Chakras (and How it Can Help You Too)
At Yoga Art Space, we have a book club and we are finishing up an extremely educational book called Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea...

The Importance of Savasana
If you’ve taken a yoga class, then you are familiar with Savasana (a.k.a. corpse pose). This is the pose practiced at the end of class,...

Finding Your Mantra
So often we spend our time thinking and worrying about what we don’t want, rather than letting our focus be on the abundance and love we...

Thoughts on Life and Authenticity
Most Hatha Yoga I experience being practiced in studios today has gone so far from its home that I'm not sure it will ever find its way...

Maitri and Motivation: Cultivating Loving-Kindness in Our Practice
As practitioners of yoga and meditation - novices and professionals alike- one thing we all struggle with is losing- and then regaining-...

Post Yoga Treat!
It’s officially summertime in the Land of Enchantment (or at least it feels that way!) Now, we all know the benefits of yoga and how...

A Deeper Understanding of Yoga Asanas
I thought explaining the Sanskrit word "asana" would be fairly straightforward. However, like many aspects of yoga, even the term asana...

Let’s play! The upside-down way!
Recently, I have found myself asking why practice inversions? I see yogis bringing the power of balance and breath into their hands,...