Grounding Into Your Roots
In the Yoga Book Club at Yoga Art Space, we are currently reading the book Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith. This is a very...

Sing Your Heart Out with a Mantra Practice
Last week I read through our entire blog here at Art Space Yoga. What a wonderful, inspiring resource for our community and for others...

Yoga for Self Love
I recently taught a Yin Yoga for Self Love class. I didn’t realize until I was actually teaching that I needed this class just as much as...

Yoga for Stress and Anxiety
“Yogas citta vritti nirodhah,” is the second sutra in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. “Sutra,” a Sanskrit word, means “thread,” or...

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
Greetings yogis! I’m here to chat about the basics of essential oils and aromatherapy. Something about the beautiful scent of essential...

What is an Ashram?
Ashram or Ashrama comes from ‘Aa’ which means to come and Shrama, which means “making a meaningful effort in the path of...

Yoga: The Always Friend
Recently, I've discovered that the events of life are gifts of the universe. Their diversity is great, their emotional sensations are...

Unconditional Laughter & Our True Nature
The journey of yoga is 1st to return to Nature. 2nd to return to Nature. And, 3rd to return to Nature. And, there are many rivers and...

Kapalbhati and Springtime in Albuquerque
It’s that time of year again—springtime. In lovely Albuquerque that means the time of year when a cool, fresh 60 degree day is...

It is Yogic to Forgive
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Gandhi This past month, I have been working on forgiveness, which...