Creating (or Recreating) Your Best Life
The feminine, sacral chakra energy of creation has been a powerful force for me over these past (almost) nine months of growing a baby...

Self Care Bucket List
First of all, Happy Valentine's Day!! I've always grown up associating this holiday with romantic love only. That means that people who...

What Role Does Breath Play In Meditation?
You may have heard of wise people practicing "yogic breathing" techniques. What does that even mean? Why is it helpful? Can it be used by...

Anxiety, Stress and Surrendering to the Journey
This Journey of life is a brief visit to our body our emotions and this earth. We get caught up in this idea that we must make something...

The Practice of Allowing
When you look at your own life or the life of others, you can actually begin to watch how suffering is created. There is a Buddhist...

Yoga: The Always Friend
Recently, I've discovered that the events of life are gifts of the universe. Their diversity is great, their emotional sensations are...