Managing Stress with Yoga, Essential Oils, & Meditation
Today I hosted one of my first live Facebook events on how Yoga, Essential Oils, and Meditation can help us with some of life's common...

Anxiety, Stress and Surrendering to the Journey
This Journey of life is a brief visit to our body our emotions and this earth. We get caught up in this idea that we must make something...

Why We Love Savasana
We’ve all been there, that moment when we get to lie flat, absorbing the energy from our practice, eyes closed, breathing softly,...

Yoga for Stress and Anxiety
“Yogas citta vritti nirodhah,” is the second sutra in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. “Sutra,” a Sanskrit word, means “thread,” or...

Yoga: The Always Friend
Recently, I've discovered that the events of life are gifts of the universe. Their diversity is great, their emotional sensations are...